About MC-Jalux Airport Services Co.,Ltd
MC-Jalux Airport Services Co., Ltd (MJAS) was founded in conjunction with the two Japanese companies of Mitsubishi Corporation (MC) and JALUX Inc. (JALUX); and one Myanmar’s SPA, affiliated group-company of Yoma Development Group Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Yoma Strategic Holdings Ltd. (YOMA). MC and JALUX each holds 45.5% of shares, while YOMA holds the remaining 9%.
MJAS has been operating Mandalay International Airport since the 1st of April, 2015 by the signed concession agreement of 30 years with Myanmar’s Department of Civil Aviation (DCA). MJAS undertakes the operation of the airport for both airside and landside, including passenger and ground handling services, facility maintenance, security and airport rescue and fire-fighting services. The project made history, as the first Japanese company to be a one hundred percent private equity in operating an airport abroad.
Mandalay International Airport is the second major gateway to Myanmar located at the center of the country with 4,267m x 61m runway, which can accommodate aircraft as large as B747-400. We continue to contribute to the development of Myanmar through our committed service in operating all services at the airport, providing secure, safe and comfortable travel experiences with excellent services and through enhancing air transport networks.

Our Mission & Core Value
Our Mission and Core Value is figuring out the value of Mandalay International Airport getting Improvement and intended to the passenger satisfied providing by the sufficient services and facilities.

Our Organization
Charter for Compliance and Environment
MC-Jalux Airport Services Co, Ltd. (hereinafter referred as the “MJAS” or the “Company”) herewith declare that;
MJAS always conduct business and corporate activities in compliance with laws, regulation and international rules, Company codes of conduct, also, norms of business custom and general society,
MJAS contributes to sustainable development of society through business and corporate activities basing on global prospective,
MJAS continuously develop a framework and system that enable Company managements and employees to enhance their awareness of compliance and environment.
MJAS always maintain so suitable organization and environment that managements and employees can access to relevant information of compliance and environment, also, can promote valuable suggestions.
Compliance of MJAS
(1.) Principles and definitions of Compliance
Managements and employees of Company shall conduct business and corporate activities in compliance with a) laws, regulation and international rules, b) Company codes of conduct, also c) norms of business customs and general society, d) with making sufficient consideration of global environment.
(2.) Compliance 10 Codes
Managements and employees of Company shall respect human rights shall not do discrimination and harassment.
Managements and employees of Company shall comply with law and regulation and conduct activities with making sufficient consideration of global environment.
Managements and employees of Company shall conduct all transaction with complying with laws, regulation and international rules, Company codes of conduct, also, norms of business custom and general society.
Managements and employees of Company shall treat information and intellectual assets properly.
Managements and employees of Company shall not take any actions which detract Company’s value.
Managements and employees of Company shall make financial and accounting records correctly and timely.
Managements and employees of Company shall give and receive gift and/or entertainment within compliance with relevant law and norms of business customs and general society.
Managements and employees of Company shall not take monetary actions and transactions with public officers, which breach or deviate from laws, regulation and international rules, Company codes of conduct, also, norms of business custom and general society.
Managements and employees of Company shall not take any monetary actions and transactions with antisocial forces.
Managements and employees of Company shall conduct any activities in compliance with Employee Handbook and Employment Contract.
(3.) Company’s awareness activities of compliance and environment
Company have been conducting training programs focusing on compliance and environment for managements and employees of company under support by Mitsubishi Corporation.
Company have been conducting awareness training, as the one of on-boarding programs, for newly hired employees every month.
Company established and have been maintaining internal reporting system in Employee Handbook (Ver.3.0) in 2018, which protects right and information of reporter away from any prejudice.
Certificate and Standard

Department of Civil Aviation of Myanmar renews the Aerodrome Certificate every three years by approving the Aerodrome Manual in which every operational activity and standard of the airport is stipulated.
Inspectors of Aerodrome Standard and Safety Division of The Department of Civil Aviation conduct periodic inspection before renewal.

The airport is a member of ACI and receives their evaluation which serves us a great deal to improve our facilities, procedures, regulations and so on.
Corporate Social Responsibility
As a responsible private company and an airport operator, MJAS aims to achieve the goal of excellent harmony with the business environment as well as with society under our strong policy of seeking the maximum Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
• Donations to local people affected by natural disasters such as flood and fire.
• Donations of a bridge over the river for the village nearby.
• Donation to the international religious (Buddhism) rally held in Mandalay with more than 20,000 monks and 20,000 donators.
• Accepting study tours of school kids.
• Accepting internship programs for university students.
• Water Donation : Last summer, MJAS provided water for about 279,700 gallons to 14 of water shortage villages in TaDa_U Township. One of Social Welfare Team named, "Say Da Nar Shin" arranged and distributed those water to water shortage villages together with City Fire Brigade and Innwa Fire Brigade. On 24 June 2019, as the last time water donation for this season, they distributed the water to those villages. Chairman of "Say Da Nar Shin" Social Welfare Team came to MJAS water intake station. They much appreciation to MJAS and gave the honorable certificate on 2nd July 2019.
• Receiving Certificates of Appreciation for Paying Tax Awarded by Union Government and Mandalay Region Government to MJAS :
Mr. Kei Goto, Corporate Division General Manager of MJAS receiving certificates of appreciation on 28th June,2019.