Domestic Flights resume operations from December 19th, 2020
In accordance with the notification by The National-Level Committee on Prevention, Control and Treatment of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), domestic flight operations are allowed to recommence from December 16th, 2020 with following the standard operating procedures. Domestic flight operations at Mandalay International Airport will be recommenced from December 19th, 2020 according to the airlines's schedule.
Required health and safety procedures for passengers, airlines personnel and airport staff have been issued by the Ministry of Health and Sports and DCA, and MJAS will release updated information in a timely manner to airport users.
Domestic travelers are advised to follow the health and safety protocols from MOHS and contact with your respective airlines for the required travel arrangements.
The Terminal will be only open to Passengers with all 3 documents: valid ticket, Identification, and 36 Hours Covid Test Result. Passengers will not be allowed to enter into the Terminal if required documents are incomplete.
MJAS, the operator of Mandalay International Airport, will implement all necessary public health requirements and procedures, to provide a safe and clean environment for our airport users.
Thank you for your understanding, and we look forward to serving you.
Designated locations of laboratory test of Napyitaw, Regions and States for medical test of resumption of Domestic Scheduled Flights are as follow
Union Area Naypyitaw
-City Development Guest House.1, Zabuthiri township, Napyitaw, Ph: 09-6877521200
Yangon Region
-Tourist Burma Building, Sule Pagoda street, Kyauktada township, Ph: 09-253545656
-Regional Medical Clinic, Aungmingalar Highway station, Mingalardon township, Ph: 09-695410916
Mandalay Region
-Concerned township Office for Department Head for Public Health , Ph: 02-4065659
Kachin State
-Myitkyina township
* Kachin State Dept Head Office of Public Health, Yongyi stX Myitkyi-Swanprabon st
Ph: 074-2524197
-PutaO township
* District Public Health Office, Myoma ward, Putao township, Ph: 09-25177200
-Bamaw township
*General Hospital., U Gyihteinnan street, Nyaungpinthar ward, Bamaw, Ph: 074-50628
Kayah State
-Religious Building(Quarantine Center, Loikaw township, Ph: 09-695118119,09-778880564
-Thit Seik Truck Compound(Quarantine Center) ,Loikaw ,Ph:09-428000958
Southern Shan State
- Responsible township Public Health Department/Hospitals
- Taunggyi ,Ayetharyar hospital, Ph: 081-208182
- Kalaw Exist Gate, Ph: 09-5281136
Eastern Shan State
Kyaingtong township
-City Hall,Fever Clinic, Airport St, Kyaingtong, Ph: 09-788318120, 09-403763375
Tachileik township
-Old Hospital compound, Fever Clinic, Tachileik, Ph-09-255306661, 09-444026096
Sagarig Region
-District Public Health Laboratory test place
Kale township
-Airport, Kale township, Ph-09-42647234
Tanintheri Region
Tawei township
-District Public Health Department, Zalatphyu st, Sannchi myothit, Tawei , Ph: 09-422220705
Meik township
-District Public Health Department, hospital st, Kangaung ward, Myeik township.
Kathaung township
-District Public Health Department, old hospital st, Anawar ward, Kathaung, Ph: 09-250614223
Bokpyin township
-township hospital, Union st, Bokpyin, Ph: 059-50064, 059-50065
Rakhine State
Sittwe township
-Old University,Sittwe township, Ph-09-891929516
Mannaung township
-General Hospital, Mannaung township, Ph:09-421739439
Thandwe township
-City Hall, Thandwe township, Ph:09-421714798
Ann township
-Damarakhita hill,Ann township, Ph: 09-26480099
If the designated location of testing has changed to another area, we will announce in time.
Contact these numbers to enquiry about the time of testing.
Ministry of Health and Sports